Kriton Kalantidis

Kriton Kalantidis

Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Crete (2020-), and Associated Researcher IMBB/FoRTH (2008-).



1991-1995: Ph.D. at the University of Nottingham UK. at the laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology of the department of Life Sciences under the supervision of Drs, BJ Mulligan and ZA Wilson.

1986-1991: Ten-semester undergraduate studies in ‘Plant Biotechnology’ at the Agricultural University of Prague, Czechoslovakia. Graduation 1991, general grade (A) with distinction’ (Top 5%).

Post-doctoral service and experience

2002-2005 Post-doctoral fellow at IMBB, Heraklion, laboratory of Dr. M. Tabler.

1999-2002 Post-doctoral fellow at IMBB, Heraklion, laboratory of Dr. M. Tsagris

1997-1999 Post doctoral fellow at the Agricultural School, AUTH, laboratory of Dr. A. Tsaftaris.

1995-1997 Mandatory service with the Greek army

Research Focus:

RNA silencing , Viroid biology, Plant viruses, Plant Development

Professional Experience:

1997-2005           Postdoctoral fellow, Ar.Un. Of Thessaloniki (’97-‘99), IMBB/FoRTH, Heraklion, GR (’99-’05)

2005 – 2007        PI Researcher, IMBB/FoRTH, Heraklion, Greece

2004 – 2008        Ajunct Professor, Department of Biology, University of Crete, Greece

2008 – 2015        Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Crete, Greece

2013-                    Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Crete, Greece

2014 –                  Ad hoc Reviewer and Panel member, FCT, Portugal

2017-                   Ad hoc Panel Chair, Natural Sciences Panel, FCT, Portugal

2016-                   Chair, Postgraduate course “ Plant Molecular and Applied Biology”, University of Crete 2016-                           Vice-Chair, Department of Biology, University of Crete, Greece

2018                     Ad hoc Reviewer, ERC starting Grants, EU

2018                     Ad hoc reviewer FET grant applications, EU


Honors and Awards

1986-1991           Graduate studies fellowship, Czech Un. Of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Rep.

1991                     Excellence award, Czech Un. Of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Rep.

1991-1995           IKY PhD fellowship

2016                     Second Prize, Redestos Group Research and Development Business plan Competition.

2018                     First prize, “Fotis Kafatos Competition”, Lab Box


Professional Societies:

Fed. of European Societies of Pant Biology (FESPB), EPSO ,  Hellenic Phytopathological Society,


Journal Reviewer

  • BMC Molecular Biology, Biotechniques, FEBS letters, JBC, Journal of General Virology, Journal of Virology, Molecular Plant Pathology, New Phytol., NAR, Planta, Plant Biology, Plant Cell Reports, Plant Journal, Plant Phys., Plant Science, PNAS, Transgenic Research, Trends in Genetics, Trends in Pl. Sc., PLoS Pathology, Virology, Virus Research.


Journal Editor: 

  • Frontiers in Plant Science; Frontiers in Virology

Teaching / Trainning

Undergraduate courses

Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Crete (UOC):,“Plant Developmental Biology”, “Advanced technologies in Molecular Biology” tutor and lecturer; “Biotechnology II”


Post-Graduate Courses.

Dept. of Biology, UOC:

 MsC Program  “Molecular Biology and Biomedicine”,  “Plant Development” and “RNA silencing lectures” MsC Program, “Plant Mol. Biol. and Biotech.”,  “Transgenic plants and GMO Risk assessment” and “RNA silencing Lectures”.

Student Training

Supervised 11 completed Masters projects.

Supervised 9 completed PhD projects (Vrettos N. 2004-2009, Dadami E. 2007-2012, Schumacher H. 2005-2009,  Helm J. 2006-2011, Mermigka 2011-2015, Vlatakis 2011-2017, Alexiadis 2010-2017, Kryovrysanaki N  2013 –2019, Grypioti E 2014-2019.) Current PhD Students: Bardani (2018-)  P. Kallemi. (2019-) Tselika (2022)


Other academic services


Chair of the Dept. of Biology 2022-

Vice-chair of the Dept. of Biology 2016-

Chair of the “Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology” post-graduate program 2016-.

Member of the University committee for technical works; Member of the departmental committee for postgraduate studies.

Member of the University committee for technical works (2010-); Member of the departmental committee for postgraduate studies (2008-). Scientific coordinator of the Departmental Placement program for undergraduate students (2013-2015).


2005-2007. Coordinator in one FP6 (STREP) consortium,. 2005-2008. Partner in FP6 EST network (FAMED). 2006-2008. National PENED fund, Coordinator. 2008-2009. IKYDA Greek-German research cooperation program. 2010-2011. Greek-French bilateral research program. 2011-2015. Three National  research grants in the “Cooperations” call. In one as a coordinator.  Two National “Heraklitos” grants, in both as a Coordinator. One “Excellence” (Aristeia II) grant. Partner in one “Thalis” national grant. One post-doctoral grant. 2017-2020. Three H2020 MSC-RISE grants. Two National research infrastructure grants. One Fondation Sante grant, One GSRT “Research-Create-Innovate” grant.

Over 1.600.000 euro in research funding for the lab (-2022). See current funding in independent document.


Published 50 articles in peer-reviewed international science journals with a cumulative IF over 200; contributed articles and chapters to 8 edited book type publications and published numerous papers in conference proceedings. Journal papers have a total of more than 1900 citations (without self-citations -WoKI) and an H-factor of 24-28 (2022-Scopus, Google Scholar). Invited speaker in more than 20 International conferences and workshops.

PubMed link to bibliography of the investigator
